

As long as I live, I think I'll never tire of remembering how either of my children arrived.  They were both beautiful experiences, both long and painful, both required medication (I seriously required anti-anxiety medicine to get my butt across that ocean in the flying cabinet of death...lol), and both resulted in precious and sacred love of a lifetime.  I look at the pictures, and the emotion of these moments comes flooding back.  I can feel sun shining warm through cooler than expected air, smell the tin walls, dust and diesel fumes, feel the soles of my feet grasping for balance and speed on the large rocky terrain.  I can feel the warmth of her and remember thinking, "She's warm.  She's real!" 

We awoke our first morning together and sat on the edges of our beds looking at the other like, "now what?"  It was a surreal moment to be staring at a perfect stranger and also be the mother of that perfect stranger. 

We did what was the only thing we could do.

We took the first step. 

I brought her over to my bed and sat her in my lap.  I pretended I knew what I was doing, and I laid her head against my chest and rocked her back and forth like I did with Brenin every morning.  I was praying that she'd like it and that some day soon it would be MY smell and my touch that would bring her comfort, just as it did for Brenin and as my mother's did for me. 

I have a feeling she pretended to like it and had she known how would have been saying some prayers of her own that crisp Ethiopian morning.  We were both existing in complete faith and grace... faith that it would all feel natural one day and that we wouldn't cause or feel pain from this strange person who we were now bound to for all time, grace from Heaven above as we stood and tried and fell and rose again in all our fear and faults, and grace from each other, taking these first few wobbly steps with our face pressed against our chest, listening to the other's heartbeats for the very first time. 

We were born in that moment. 

On nearly all my "roads to Damascus," I've had a fearless and wise travel companion, my Dad (here walking on the road we "lived on" in Ethiopia).  Any sort of medicated pseudo-adventurousness (ha!) in me has come from him, and the courage and passion he and my mom instilled in me is what brought me across that ocean and down that gravel road to our "home sweet home"...if it looks a world away, that's because it is. 

In my arms for 2 years, in God's plan for far longer. 


Leaving On a Jet Plane

The view 2 years ago...

...like lookin' down the barrell of a loaded gun. 
(H-A-T-E to fly!)

Luca bazooka...here we come (came)! 



Home from Chicago, rested and relaxed!  Had a FABULOUS time with my mom and my sister and even got some Christmas shopping done!  We ate all the things we don't normally allow ourselves to eat and had more fun than we normally allow ourselves to have (Why do we DO that to ourselves???  Birthdays are a lesson to us, I'm convinced of it!). 

What a gift to have these 2 women who fill my heart so full without distraction for 3 days!!  It was a VERY happy birthday (and I think I've successfully made everyone celebrate it for an entire week, so yay me!).  ;-) 

Special shout out thank you to the Michaels for their hospitality!! 
Love you guys so much! 

On the homefront, I made an appointment for Bren before we left because her throat was hurting so bad she didn't want to swallow even her saliva (TMI...sorry, I'm a mom).  Turns out she had strep throat!  After a day on antibiotics, she's feeling 100%!  Poor girl had a rough go of it for a couple of days.  :-( 

Busy week ahead of parade float preparation for the homeless shelter. 
Can't wait to see how it turns out! 

Oh yeah, and saw our FIRST SNOWFLAKES tonight!!!  Yippee!!!
(ask me in February how I feel about snowflakes...
my reaction will be dramatically different).  ;-)


Happy Barfday To Me!

And no, that's NOT a typo in the title...it's my BIRTHday today,
but unfortunately I've spent half the day holding the 'ol barf bucket
for my sweet Bren who woke up with the sickies this morning.  :-(  
At one point in the day, Brenin was having "it" coming out both ends
(ahem), and Luca was losing a tooth!  Ah, the glamour of it all!  :-) 

Being sick is NO fun! 

My Toofless Wonder 

Before you feel TOO sorry for me, I must say my hubby has done his homework this birthday.  He's sending me, my sister and my mom to Chicago for a weekend of shopping, eating and RESTing, and I CAN NOT wait!  I'm so excited to catch up with my good friend Nyad who lives there and has hooked us up with the hotel, and to take some time to not have bodily fluids on me catch my breath.  

Tonight we're off to dinner with my family...looks like it'll be just me and Lukes on a special date as Daddy signs on for the "night shift."  Brenin was feeling sad that she was sick on my birthday...I told her we can celebrate together any time and that she'd have to take me on a special birthday date when she's feeling better.  She stuck her little finger up in the air and with her little sad voice said, "I'll drive."  

Hoping my baby's feeling better SOON! 


Dreaming the Same Dream

I was weeding out some of the books on our shelves this week when I came across this one.  I'd picked it up at a thrift shop a while back but never really took a close look at it.  I'm sure there was SOMEthing about it that caught my eye when I decided to purchase it...now if I could just put my finger on what it was. (wink) 

Together by George Ella Lyon
Pictures by Vera Rosenberry

You cut the timber and I'll build the house. 
You bring the cheese and I'll fetch the mouse. 
You salt the ice and I'll crank the cream. 
Let's put our heads together and dream the same dream. 

I'll drive the truck if you fight the fire. 
I'll plunk the keys if you'll be the choir. 
I'll find the ball if you'll call the team. 
Let's put our heads together and dream the same dream. 

You dig for water and I'll make a pail. 
I'll paint the boat if you'll set the sail. 
You catch the fish and I'll catch the stream! 
Let's put our heads together and dream the same dream. 

"Life imitates art"
- Oscar Wilde -

(let's hope so!) 


Halloween Adventures

Trick or Treat!  

Could you not just kiss those unicorn cheeks for HOURS?!?! 

My friend's dad has an old school house in his back yard
(literally the WHOLE building which he moved to his yard and
filled with THOUSANDS of antique school items...SO cool!!), so it
was the perfect place for some fun photos with my favorite little pioneer! 

Well, hello.  Fancy meetin' you here. 

Ugh...again with the cheeks! 

Must have been a good score at this house! 

The girls. 
(and sadly I'm pretty sure the #3 racing pants in
the background were NOT part of a costume.) 

Love this house...they have SO many pumpkins every year...just beautiful! 

Great time with my girls (and I have to admit
a little TOO fun to tap into my punk rocker side!) 
